Friday, 8 November 2013


This is a poem I wrote, for a friend in quote.
This little story am about to share
Fellas I wish to have your ears.
It’s the story about the wolves
And how they get you there

Their mouths are sweet
Every night they want to tweet
They make you feel like the best
And later lures you into bed
Truly they don’t love you
All they do is destroy you.

Wolves on the street
With no blood stain on their teeth
In twilight they are beast
Ready to make you their feast
Working at night in the moonlight
Hiding behind the shadow of streetlight
Standing on high heels
Winking to the man behind wheels
Truly they don’t love you
All they do is destroy you.

Wolves in church
Making you to have a crush
Coming with the gospel
But their intention is to brush you
Always they want to preach
So to have you in their reach
They sing so sweet and make you feel the beat
They smile so lovely and dress so godly
But their intention is bad
Waiting for you to play the card
Truly they don’t love you; all they do is destroy you.

Wolves in school, always playing cool
Singing at your door step, sending you love text
Seen in fellowships, faking up relationships
Sexual perversion leading to several abortions
Waiting to steal your pride and later wave you goodbye

Wolves in the office, sipping a cup of coffee
With tie on their neck
Winking at you behind desk
Asking for a lunch date
Ushering you to the devils gate
Making you his bed mate
Deceiving you with birth control
making you to lose self control
Truly they don't love you, all they do is destroy you

Wolves on bb, on internet and on TV
Always on social media, giving social fobia
Adding no moral values
Infiltrating our neighborhood.
Teaching you to use condoms
Instead of making use of conduct
Showing you how to use the bed
Instead of making use of your head

Look around you
Wolves surround you
Sometimes you might not know it
But they live inside you
They are devil you need to tame
Devil that will bring you shame
Do it before it’s too late
Else you find yourself to blame.

Yommybishop………©August 2012


It was 11:45 close to mid night
Silenced covered the house like a thick fog
Unable to sleep, staring at her lying gently on my bed sheet
This very night I felt like it, because ideas running so much in me like a beast
Desired pooled in my belly, like a vision in a 3D telly
I needed to engage my hands and explore every bit of my mind
Don’t know how to start but needed to touch the main part.

I started with a blind move; though my first attempt was not too good
Tremor shook through my body, lip biting, hand working
My mind was racing, sweating oozing profusely
When I finally got in the groove, it was a time to approve
I needed a real composure; it’s just part of my culture
So I decided to change position, to get a better coercion.
I went back and forth, thrusting and thinking
Hitting the right spot, stroking every bit of the sheet inking
I was driving deeper, not wanting to end
Yet I yearned for the release that was soon to come before the bend.

This was my pleasure; I needed the world to feel my measure
Everyone need to know, God gave me this unique treasure
Although my first night but I knew it won’t ever be my last
Now I’m good at it, every chance I have, I give my best to it

Every night she lays on my bed naked, always waiting for me to fill her in.
My writing pad is just lovely, inspiring me to do more with ink
Now I’m a better writer, driving deeper and using my mind every inch.
It was a night of bliss, the first night my pen does a kiss.

Yommybishop.........April 2013

Dedicated to all first timers in writing Poetry, Prose, Articles, songs and other form of writing.

Thursday, 7 November 2013


Who knows the heart of a man?
In his secret place, he tenders his discreet case
His mind dwindle like a bean weevil
The depth of his heart accommodates a holy evil
Full of dirt and an uncontrolled thirst
Predominated by the desire of an unholy indulgence
His closet dictates his mindset
As he lays himself on bed to rest
These signs manifest whenever the sunset.

Who knows the heart of men?
He rises every morning standing straight and erect
Postulating how he will be chosen as the elect
He mingles with others of same urge and social desire
Showing him ways she can be wooed as her admired messiah
He professes his love to her publicly
Enticing her with words of empty promises
He seduced her, making her blushing and gushing,
Overriding her interest with his longings
His aspiration is open to all but his intent his ever concealed.

On her bosom lays his head
His hands her ever playing on her chest
Her lips are full of rubies to feast
Soft and tender ready to be devoured by these beasts
Her milk is as fresh and nourishing
Supposedly meant to feed her future offspring’s
In her center of excellence, he invokes his pestilence
He defiled her virginity in the garden and capital city
Feeling so cocky and relatively witty
The virtue of the Devil lies in his loins
Taking her on a round of adventurous perversion
Through his obsession she has sown a seed of destruction.

In her root shoot the branches of injurious infection
Being undermined by various act of corruption
Held down and passed round from independence to her present situation.
Fulfilling their unholy desire
The strong urge of these men (politicians) is destroying our National sire
Even though we are still helpless on how to purge this power surge
Yet the coming generation may even have a stronger Urge.

(Youth please obey the clarion call.)

Yommybishop………©June 2013

Ruminating about her (Nigeria) on June 12, ever wonder if our politicians truly love this Nation. Posterity will surely judge them.


Deep in thought tonight, so much on my mind
The stars twinkling; heard cricket outside chirping.
Emotions running deep, no way i could sleep
This feelings is so strong, it couldn’t be anyway wrong.
Enveloped by the sensation yet the mood isn’t right
The atmosphere is tensed, wondering if together our future is bright
As passion unfolds, the decisions we make today determines our stand tomorrow.
Getting tickled and turned on, let’s bound ourselves by a common purpose
Driven by a glaring reality of a new birth without sorrow.
Please come close, let’s hold hands and reason together
Let’s make love, not just tonight but all day long.

Let’s make love listening to the yearnings of our heart
Let's make love, Looking up into our individual private parts
Our differences shouldn’t divide us
Let’s make love and peace to unite us.
“Fear not” i heard my pastor say
So i put my head on the pew to pray
But i keep wondering why?
Why the North is ever hot
Men carrying out activities so dreadfully thought
What they want i still can’t phantom
Wanting to split from the molecule like a fuming atom
Wonder if they sing with us this National Anthem
Or they are just comfortable in causing mayhems
Same insurgence in Egypt, Mali, Kenya and Somalia
Al-queda, Al-Shabab, ISIS, Boko-haram all sounds familiar
I heard their religion is of great peace, 
Yet they keep shooting and blowing up men at ease.
Waging war against the government
But who suffers are the common men and the environment.
Children dying, women crying, politicians lying
Whilst we sit back watching and smiling.

Tell this to the sit tight thug in power
Using chemical weapon on his people every hour
And those over ambitious ones, enriching their purse
Running government like a family affair
I heard guns don’t kill people, but people do kill people
Carrying up harms against each other
Forgetting we are brothers, having no reason to shudder
United by one blood, created by one God
Race, colour or Religion shouldn’t be a barrier
Thought the world is now united in carrier.
Let’s make love our watchword
Let’s make love and forget our rifts
Let’s make love today and everyday so sweet
Let’s live in peace and harmony with one another.
Not being dogmatic and egocentric with our religion or power.
Let’s make love and be one
Remembering we have one God, one heaven and one hell.
One life to live and a story at the end to tell
No need ever beating those drums of war
Let’s learn to cease fire and sheath our swords
Let’s hold hands and reason together
Let’s make love with one another.

Yommy Bishop.......October 2013©