Tuesday, 30 August 2016


Let me touch your soul
Let me drive deep and touch the walls of your hole
Let me touch you
In those places your fingers can't reach
Let me wipe you out
The hygiene that your teachers preached.

Let me touch your soul
Let me make you squint
And also make you groan
With your eyes half closed
This feelings is self imposed.

Let me touch your soul
Let me drive into you to and fro
Forget all your worries
Let me make love to your soul
As you stick the cotton bud in that ear hole.

©YommyBishop.... August 2016.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016


When night falls
And shadow comes along
When blue skies fade off
And dark cloud plays with the moon light curve.

The birds sing no more
The voice of the crickets take over the hall
The twinkling of the stars is gone
Its beauty is taken over by raging storm.

Heard the whistling of the breeze
As it sings along with the clapping of different trees
Heard finger taps of unmended roofs
As they play along to the seemingly night groove.

It looks all hope is lost, maybe the end has come
The night seems long, through all the trouble spots
Fear looms in the air, seems no one is there
And your holy screams just sound helpless in ears.

Never give up, there is a light that resides in you
It will take you through the darkest hour
It will give you strength and power.
That light is Christ, that light is ours.


©Yommy Bishop...... (The Preachers Son) 2016

Friday, 5 August 2016

KOKORO ÎLÊ GOGORO (Alawiye apa Sixteen)

Nigbâtí mo wa ni kêkêrê
Mo ma ñ yo lo si ílê gogoro
Lati rã kokoro fun a won
Aburo mi oloju kòkòrò.

Awon aburo mi á je kokoro
Won a senu roboto
Won a wa ma jo bi okoto.
Kokoro naa dun,
Mo ma n toju re sinu sòkòtò.

Ti a ba jê kokoro tan
A ma mu omi inu ìkòkò
A ma wa ma pa itan labê ígí ìrokò
Lè ba oko cocoa.

Baba mi ti lo si oko
Iya mi ti lo si odo
Ti won ba de lale
A ma lö din dódó.

Kehinde a ma soo
Nitori o je kokoro
Taiwo a ma joo
Nitori o feran ijo
Idowu ko so ododo
Nitori o je dodo iya oyinbo ati kokoro ile gogoro.

©Alagba Yommy Bishop

My first ever Yoruba piece. Inspired by Rita Oseyomon an Edo girl
("Kokoro" is an African Chin-chin from Abeokuta) while ("ile gogoro" is a tall house)